Thursday, October 18, 2018

JOURNEY OF FAITH ~~~~ INTERACTION WITH THE INDIANS ...continued ~~~ by David R. Gunderson

With permission of David R. Gunderson, we include the following book to our blog.   I will do a few increments at a time, as I have done with the Andrew Madsen and James Monsen histories.  I will also paste the pages over to David's own blog page:
This book will be of interest to not only the Gunderson Family but also to the BrothersonEricksenPeel,   Madsen, Larsen and more.

Gunderson 1Gunderson 2Gunderson 3Gunderson 4Gunderson 5Gunderson 6Gunderson 7Gunderson 8gunderson 9Gunderson 10Gunderson 11Gunderson 12gunderson 13


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Journey of Faith ~~~~ Interaction With the Indians

With permission of David R. Gunderson, we include the following book to our blog.   I will do a few increments at a time, as I have done with the Andrew Madsen and James Monsen histories.  I will also paste the pages over to David's own blog page:
This book will be of interest to not only the Gunderson Family but also to the BrothersonEricksenPeel,   Madsen, Larsen and more.

Interaction 1Interaction 2Interaction 3Interaction 4Interaction 5Interaction 6Interaction 7Interaction 8Interaction 9Interaction 10Interaction 11